––La Familia Drop
Sneakers and streetwear brands have mastered the art of hype. But how do you make the release of new salsas and taco seasonings feel as exciting and urgent as a hot new lookbook? Easy. You collab with a streetwear brand to drop them like new sneakers. We worked with UPRISERS to create a hype drop centered around Cholula’s two new product lines.
ECD: Hannah Williams
ACD: Ashlyn Taylor & Cat Sheehan

––Cinco De Madre
In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is a small, quiet, military holiday celebrating victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla. In America, it’s become an excuse to wear silly hats and binge tacos and tequila. So, instead of promoting an inauthentic Mexican holiday, Cholula, the Mother of Sauce, asked bar-goers to put down their margs, call their moms, and join us in celebrating a bigger, louder, more authentic Mexican holiday just five days later: Día de las Madres.
ECD: Hannah Williams